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时间:2022-11-22     作者:减振器哪家好【转载】   来自:减振器网上平台



速度  加速度  位移


简单的峰值速度曲线就能告诉我们其中的一些故事, 即不同规格的阀片也可以调出类似的阻尼力曲线图,但在车上的感觉是完全不同的,这是为什么? 我们来看看一段老外的调校视频(为了方便大家看懂,我试着翻译了一段,但是发现老外说话的时候废话太多,加上我的英文水平有限,实在翻译不下去了,大家凑合着看吧):

(翻译内容为开头几分钟:All right, what is digressive damping, well, first, I’ll show you some linear damping, this is linear straight line, straight as an arrow, as the damping goes up as the velocity goes up, the damping goes up and it goes up kind of an equal fashion, the damping or the force relative to the velocity kind of stay equal or it’s just a straight line, how about that, here’s digressive damping and they call it the aggressive, because it starts out like this, and this is over damped, but it might you know, you could start anywhere, but usually it’s just over damped and then it digresses. In the other words, the amount of force relative to the velocity here is different than the amount of force relative to as the velocity, picking up here, why do people use it, i don’t know i’ve heard excuses, i’ve heard reasons turn in you know that holds up, you know they’ve flipped their hands around for anybody’s flipping their hands around, i’m talking about damping at least in what we do you know, look showing you the plateform and it does the walk away, it’s not what damn things for, so because it’s the way over damped, you turn in and as the shock kind of starts to move, the velocity moves shock forks dorp whatever puts out a ton of damping, and maybe makes your tyre bite a little turning in right, but you can see your way over damp, so you turn in and what happens is you turned any you’ve seen, this velocity here and it’s come up and around, and it has to slow down to reciprocate, this is still compression even though it’s coming back....).

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